How To Prescribe Homeopathic Remedies For Everyday Illnesses

What’s the most essential information you need when prescribing an acute homeopathic remedy? How do you hone down the symptoms and select the right one?

Marcus Fernandez RSHom FSHom

Marcus Fernandez RSHom FSHom

30 year Homeopathic practitioner & Founder of CHE

What potency do you give? How frequently do you give it?

When you’re a beginner at homeopathy, it’s hard to confidently prescribe the right remedy in the right way, especially if you’re feeling under pressure.

But, there are a few fundamental principles to help simplify things and guide you through the process. With a bit of practice, before you know it, you’ll be much more self-assured and empowered to effectively use homeopathy for common acute conditions.

Three Main Principles Of Home Prescribing

Sticking to these fundamental basics will help you confidently prescribe homeopathic remedies safely and effectively.

1) Like Cures Like. The Law of Similars.

In homeopathy, whatever causes symptoms in a small amount can also cure it. That’s the premise of ‘like cures like’. Take the remedy Allium Cepa which is made from the onion. When you chop into it, your eyes water, your nose runs, and you might sneeze. When the symptoms match, this remedy is often prescribed for colds and hay fever. Pretty simple, really.

2) One remedy at a time

It’s best to stick with single remedies to know what works and what doesn’t. When prescribing a remedy, think of it as a game of snap and pick the one that most closely matches the symptoms mentally, emotionally and physically. Get as close as you can to the remedy picture. Remember that you don’t have to have every symptom associated with that remedy. Think of the three-legged stool. If three symptoms fit a remedy, and it’s the best match, try it.

3) Minimum Dose

If the remedy works, you don’t need to repeat it unless the symptoms start to return or stop improving. If it doesn’t help, move on to the next remedy that best fits your symptoms. You’ll feel the correct remedy working pretty quickly in an acute situation. Listen to your body, and it will tell you what you need to know.

Try this helpful technique

A quick way to select an effective remedy is to vertically write down the word CLAMS on a sheet of paper and then fill it in accordingly. The information it provides will help you to identify the closest matching remedy.

Clams stands for:

C – Concomitant – A symptom that accompanies the main complaint

L – Location – Where the pain/symptom is located within the body

A – Aetiology – The possible cause behind the complaint

M – Modalities – What makes the complaint better or worse

S – Sensation – What is the pain like? e.g. sore, shooting, throbbing, sharp

Here’s an example:

A woman has a throbbing headache on the side of her head after sitting in the sun. It is better when holding her head, worse with the noise of the radio and walking. She has a flushed face.

C – Red face

L – Head, temples

A – From the sun

M – Worse moving, noise, better for pressure

S – Throbbing, congestion

Next, refer to your homeopathic home prescribing book (if you don’t have one yet, it’s an absolute must). When you look through the headache remedies, select the one that matches the symptoms on your list. By looking at the characteristic symptoms, you will find that Belladonna is the closest matching remedy to those described above. This will be the remedy to take.

Home prescribing for everyday acutes

Every day acute complaints include coughs, colds, bumps, bruises, sore throats, tummy upsets, bites, stings, fevers, emotional shocks and traumas.

The more you use homeopathy, the easier it gets. As time goes on, you’ll increase your knowledge and gain confidence. You’ll feel more empowered to take control of your health and feel less afraid of acute illnesses.

If you’d like a handy reference guide for acute prescribing, complete the form below to download a free copy of ‘Top Tips for Home Prescribing’. It provides handy hints and techniques to help you select the right remedy and advises on administering remedies in terms of potency and frequency.


The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed healthcare physician or other healthcare providers. The information provided here is for informational purposes only. The views, positions and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and do not necessarily reflect the views of CHE or affiliated organisations.

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